Faces of the onefour

One year gone by in the blink of an eye. This is to all the good people, friends and family that made this year as rewarding and lovely as it was. To all the beautiful people who helped me along, went on journeys and adventures with me. To all the fascinating characters whom I was fortunate enough to work with or enjoy the good things in life! To all the people I missed to take picture of. I´ll catch up!

Thank you!

Thank you for building towers with me!

Thank you for holding on and being patient with me!

Thank you for being sturdy in a windy situation!

Thank you for showing me the beauty of granite!

Thank you for showing me the softness of sandstone!

Thank you for a colorful night out!

Thank you for letting me into your kitchen.

Thank you for showing me the beauty in machines.

Thank you for letting me stand right next to your music!

Thank you for making me comfortable by looking at me like that!

Thank you for not using that knife on me.

Thank you for not moving while playing moving music.

Thank you for being a hell of a good team.

Thank you for looking at me like that!

Thank you for signaling ok!

Thank you for being a sophisticated neighbour.

Thank you for bringing smiles to difficult times!

Thank you for going on an adventure with me!

Thanks for showing the way in the dark!

Thank you for taking me to lost places!

Thank you for climbing that mountain with me!

Thank you for showing me a different way of playing domino.

Thank you for drinking coffee with me instead of selling me that fish.

Thank you for explaining to me the skills of boat building in theory.

Thank you for explaining to me the skills of boat building with real boats.

Thank you for taking me under water.

Thanks for teaching me a language I don´t know.

Thanks for bringing joy to a weird situation.

Thank you for sharing and caring.

Thank you for taking me trough the back door.

Thank you two for the best city guides, a good time, sharing and caring for me. 

Thank you for being a good teacher over and under water!

Thanks for your funny ways.

Thank you for being one hell of a cool cousin.  

Thank you for being a grand roomhousemate.

Thanks for being a laid back and relaxed friend at all times.

Thank you for a grand party!

To a successfull and adventurous year 2015!


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