stop nuclear power...

Well, I belive life is ....weird. I spent easter monday demonstrating against nuclear power and the immediate deactivation of all nuclear power plants in Germany and Europe and...oh the World in general. I mean...I don´t think nuclear power is very safe, nor is it a great thing to burden future generations with, but please, dear demonstrators, at least somewhat reconsider your freaking principles! 
It probably starts of with my own behaviour...I got there by car, with my friends family. One hundred kilometres by car - thats like 300 gramms of CO2. And yes, you guessed it, we weren´t the only ones. There were like 15.000 people there, probably three quarters of them came by car! 
The demonstration itself was organized by i-don´t-know-whom-but-who-cares and so our part of the protest was led by a guy dressed in overall green and covered with dozens of anti-nuclear-power flags...and guess what, yeah, he had a freaking iphone! Paradox? Hell, yeah! 
So the next thing that just doesn´t work was: Hey yeah, we demonstrate against nuclear power, for regional food supply, a smaller carbon footprint and whatever else...BUT! what was there to eat? Good old sausage and sausage and sausage and ketchup between a piece of white bread. Way to go folks - i know, it was regional but where is the vegan/vegetarian food stand? Oh, there is none? What a superb way to advocate a healthy, environmental friendly lifestyle.

Anyway, here are some flicks.

Hey, but don´t get me wrong...i just think you should stick to your principles!

3 Kommentare:

Anonym hat gesagt…

Deine Argumente sind schon irgendwie interessant, aber im Anbetracht der Tatsachen sind sie ja zu vernachlässigen. Jeder hat so seine Macken und weicht von seinen "Prinzipien" ab, vorrausgesetzt die Leute haben überhaupt welche. :-P
Trotzdem: Wieder mal tolle Momentaufnahmen!

Anonym hat gesagt…

das gähnende kind :) :)!!

Anonym hat gesagt…

Hey ;) I agree with you. I often had the same impression in similar situations. Kind of sad but Sometimes situations in life are paradox.
But I also agree with the comment before. It's really hard to always stick to your principals. For me it's getting hard if it comes to buying things always fair trade or second hand... But anyway isn't it nice that there have been so many people demonstrating? Sometimes you have to stepp back and look just from the side you agree with and ignore the other even though it's hard.
Really impressing pictures by the way! Anke